Celeb VerSus Celeb

Yellow, dear reader.

Someone once told me that I look like a jewish singer (Ofra Haza) and I felt kinda insulted.I felt insulted cuz only the idea of me looking like someone else was making me not feeling so original as I always want to be.Later, i searched her on the I`net and she was really beautiful and natural.”Hei, I said to myself, I am pretty indeed”.

Even though some ppl may look like others, it doesn’t mean that they don`t have their true inner  original beauty.

Yeah, I got kinda soft hearted, so back to our subject.

I may be evil, but into they`re cases, they just copy one each other.Sorry guys, it`s true.

Dang, baby, now we gotta problem:who`s the copy and who`s the original?!

Oh, I think I know:one is the copy and the other the paste.

Till our next meeting, remember that u are pretty and classy in any moment


THE Pimp

Plastic surgery:BAD!

Hello, dear reader.

Standing here in my comfortable armchair, sipping my fresh coffee remembered me that I have to write something for y`all, my beloved friends.

Ok, so I know that in our days as skinny as u are, the better.But sometimes, skinny is rather an alive-walking-hideous-fashion-skeleton instead of a gracious lady.

So, before u got those frustrations about you not being hideously skinny or having not such a small nose or even being frustrated because u don`t have bigger boobs, look at these  people who have all the money in the world but they`re full of  shit.

So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the article!

So, I think u look WAY better than these frustrated..”specimens”

U know u love me cuz I make u feel prettier


THE Pimp

1st:getting in shape

Howdy, dear reader.

Welcome to my page.I`m not usually this polite but I found out that a little kindness doesn`t hurt at all.

I first gotta write about getting in shape cuz I want all of my readers to be good looking and self-confident.

Before you try starving yourself or turning to diet drugs in order
to lose weight, take some time to research and discover more natural
and safer methods of reaching your weightloss goals. Here are five
food and excercise tips that you can get started with today.

1. Try to have breakfast within one hour of waking. It’s always best
to have breakfast within an hour of waking so that your body can
charge itself with the energy it needs for the day. The idea is not
to wait for yourself to get really hungry. Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day but that does not mean that it should be
the most filling meal of the day.

2. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often
sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit,
you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and
fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.

If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit
juice instead of those that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or
even better, try making your own fruit juice taking care not to
sweeten it with too many calories.

3. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at
fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour,
but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern,
the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling
which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required
the next time you eat.

4. Tuck in your tummy whenever you walk. Get that proper gait. And
the best way for that is to tuck in your tummy and inflate your
chest. Do not let your tummy hang above your belt line like some
unruly layer of flesh. Bring it under the belt.

Each time you tuck in your tummy, you will feel the pressure on the
muscles of your stomach. This tightening and loosening of these
muscles is even better than stomach crunches.

5. This excercise routine is our favorite – punching your pillow. It
may sound like one of those weird ideas but believe me it works. Not
too many of us have punching bags at home and if you have really
fluffy pillow giving it a good punching routine is just as good as
anything else.

This is also a nice way of letting off steam, so go for it. After all,
something is better than nothing. But I would suggest that you do not
hit it too violently or else the stuffing might come out. Do not
bother too much about the force with which you hit the pillow. It is
number of hits that are important. Try to get at least fifty punches
in one bout.

I would like to give you a little tip over here. If there is
somebody that you particularly dislike like your boss or your
neighbor, or may be your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, try fixing a
picture of the person’s head on the top of your pillow and then try
punching it. I promise you, it will give you a lot of satisfaction!

So, you will surely follow these steps cuz they`re really f*****g easy and we`ll talk soon.

U know u love me


THE Pimp

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